Volunteers are essential to making Monte Sano Village work!
We thank you for your interest in Monte Sano Village (MSV) and understand that other organizations and obligations are vying for your time and energy. We will do our best to provide an opportunity for service that offers an enriching and meaningful volunteer experience. As you contribute to the well-being of MSV members, you can also benefit from volunteering as you:
• Contribute directly to your own neighborhood
• Effect positive change in the lives of aging neighbors
• Meet new people and widen your circle of friends and acquaintances
• Increase your knowledge of your community and its resources
• Strengthen and develop new connections to your community
• Feel a sense of personal accomplishment
• Learn new skills and develop new interests and
• Help ensure the success of MSV whose services you may benefit from later in your life
MSV is seeking volunteers of all ages. We will match member needs to tasks that suit your own preferences, schedules, and skills - from providing transportation, to assisting with light home maintenance, to helping with administrative tasks, or planning MSV activities.
We look forward to working together to make MSV a success.
On the following page, you will have an opportunity to let us know what areas of volunteering you are interested in. If we do not have you in our database , please be sure and enter your contact information as well.
Thank you for volunteering for Monte Sano Village!
Monte Sano Village * P.O. Box 10063 * Huntsville, AL 35801 * 256-384-4177
website: montesanovillage.org